Reflecting back on the semester as a whole it has been a rough one, full of challenging situations and learning experiences. Most of these however, have been in my personal life and so it was learning to balance emotions and stress with the ongoing classes and work. The transition to grad school wasn’t too bad. I know USD well and am comfortable here, more so the challenges at work involved the shift in role from student to employee or advisor and finding the proper balance. I am at home in the SLIC office. I love the people, love the students, love the support etc. I always have motivation to get up and go to work but when both expected and unexpected “life” situations happen you are challenged. School has also been great this semester. Classes weren’t too overwhelming at any time but I was definitely challenged to be aware, think and lead in new ways.

The move to the “real world” kept me on my toes and constantly reminded me of what’s important in life. The semester started out with a fight outside my new apartment across the street from campus. My roommate/best friend and I called the police and were eventually subpoenaed into court for witnessing the pretty serious assault. Mark, my boyfriend of a few years, was studying for the LSAT on Oct. 1
st and now is applying to law school (after killing the test!). Although it doesn’t directly involve me, it was and still is an added stress in providing constant support. My wonderful Mother only has one of her four children at home now and calls every other week asking if I can come home to visit. With two of my siblings on the East Coast it has been a difficult transition for her and for all of us. A few weeks after the fight incident our house was burglarized. We lost most of our jewelry, some clothes, fans (what the heck), cameras, chargers, change, purses and so on. That was the first time I have ever felt completely violated and uncomfortable in my own house. It was a rough few weeks. My new car got a huge scratch while someone else was driving it and shortly there after the rain came… Our roof leaked, to the point of water dripping onto my bed through the ceiling. I had to move out for a few days while there were able to replace the roof and check for mold. Finally, after a great Thanksgiving with my family, my roommate and I were both pushed even further. Amanda’s Uncle committed suicide the weekend after Thanksgiving and I clipped a homeless man who attempted to jump in front of my car on the 8 freeway. I lost control of my car, finally pulled over, and sat crying thinking I had just killed someone. Needless to say I was very upset but celebrating Nick Kajimoto’s birthday quickly there after the incident helped ease the struggle. The man survived, I am fine, but am again reminded of how fragile and precious life really is, and how much I have to be thankful for.

All this being said, it has been a semester of much joy, laughter, and fun. Stuff happens but what’s really important are the relationships I have and love I constantly feel from all those around me. I have met and made great new friends this semester and am looking forward to what next semester has to offer.