Tuesday, May 17, 2011

AR Conference/Wrapping Up/Moving Forward

Wow, what a semester it has been.  I still can’t believe a year has passed since my undergraduate years at USD.  It has flown by.  I have learned and grown so much personally, professionally, academically, spiritually…the list goes on. And my courses this semester have been challenging but in the best possible way.  This program is nothing that I thought it might be.  A year ago I would have never believed I would be at the place I am right now. 

This weekend was the Action Research Conference and it was amazing to see how far everyone’s research and presentations had come.  I was so proud of all the second years that were involved.  They have been a guide throughout my time here and given me the tools to succeed in the year to come.  I am excited, a little scared, and extremely grateful for all that the second year cohort has provided and will continue to provide moving forward.  Nice work team. 

I have chosen to stay in the SLIC office next year for my graduate assistantship and have set a few goals for areas that I hope to improve on, explore and dedicate myself to in a more complete way.  I have loved my time helping with the Emerging Leaders program but this next fall I hope to give myself fully to my class and the learning that will take place.  Last year was a huge learning experience for me in all areas of my work, so now I think I will be able to expand on that first year, try new things, improve my practice and be more effective as an instructor and facilitator.   Second, as I advise different members of Associated Students I hope to provide more direction, feedback and advice.  I hope to challenge them more and be there for them more.  I think this was the one area I struggled in this past year.  And finally, as I embark on the new position of Resident Minister and SGSA rep which I am looking forward to, I hope to keep the balance I had this year between family, friends, work, and school.   Although the procrastination could ease up some in terms of schoolwork I feel that I was able to juggle the different important parts of myself in a successful way.  I hope to continue that.  This summer I will prepare, relax, take a few classes and enjoy life.

Thanks everyone for a wonderful year.  I don’t have the words to express how much you all mean to me.

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