So a few interesting situations came up this week as my work with AS Elections continues. These were some huge learning experiences for me and the students I work with. This year I have been intimidated by some of the students who I don’t directly advise but see on a regular basis. I’m not exactly sure where these feelings come from but I have become very aware of how I deal with it. I try and become their friend…in any way I can. I try and be nice, and give in to the pressure I feel under them, even though I am in a position of authority. Last week however, I had to stand up and challenge their behavior, and it went surprisingly well. They went behind my students back and got information that they shouldn’t have simply by using their position above Lauryn, the Director I advise. Lauryn shared with me how upset she was and how hurt she felt. After some thought I decided to speak with the others involved directly and simply have a conversation about what happened. Long story short, after that conversation, and on their own accord the two students involved spoke to Lauryn individually, apologized and understood why she was so upset.
For me this experience showed the power of a simple and honest conversation. I was intimidated by those students and did not want to have that conversation but it worked out so well. I also believe that these students have gotten away with a lot because of their positions in AS and this brought them back to earth in some ways. It challenged them to really think about had happened and why it had.
In the future, although I will probably still be intimated by some students, I will no be scared to have some voice and stand up for the “right” thing. This situation encouraged me to try harder and challenge students when the situation calls for it.
I am proud of the professional you are/are becoming. You handled this (and other situations) with ease and grace on the outside. You are a valuable member of our team.